Information about our scholarships
Scholarship Criteria – 10915NAT Certificate IV in Acting
Perform Australia is delighted to announce we have three scholarships for Semester 1, 2025 for students in full-time study. This scholarship covers your total tuition fees.
Scholarship application criteria
The scholarships are designed to assist students who:
Will be studying the 10915NAT Certificate IV in Acting full-time in Semester 1, 2025 (February-June), either in Canberra or Brisbane
Are at least 16 years of age and have completed Year 10 successfully
Are local students, i.e. not international students, and
Are facing financial disadvantage, OR
Are from an indigenous background, OR
Are from a refugee background and are now settled in Australia, and their visa allows them to study in Australia, OR
Have faced health or mental health challenges in recent years which have put them at a disadvantage, but who are now well enough to study full-time.
How to apply:
To apply for a scholarship you must first:
Audition for, and be accepted into the 10915NAT Certificate IV in Acting as a full-time student – please see information at
Prepare a 300-400-word statement outlining which you would like to receive the scholarship, and why you think we should consider you. Please include details about your past situation and how this scholarship will help you. Answers that do not reach the word limit may not be considered. Your statement must be provided as a Word document, a PDF document or a clear JPG photograph of your statement, and uploaded in your scholarship form.
Complete the online scholarship form, upload your statement, and supply the necessary additional evidence (below).
Additional Evidence
When you apply for the scholarship, you must show evidence of your eligibility and upload it to the online form. You only need to show that you are eligible for one reason. However, if you are eligible in more categories, you can still indicate in your online form and supply multiple pieces of evidence, so long as you follow the guidelines below.
Evidence required is:
Financial disadvantage scholarship:
1. Provide an independent statement from a responsible person who knows your circumstances. This person may be a minister of religion, a social worker, a counsellor, a lawyer, a medical professional or an accountant.
2. Provide also a document from Centrelink demonstrating you are receiving a means-tested income support payment that has been issued in the last three months (or if you are under 18, a parent may provide this evidence).
Indigenous scholarship:
If you identify as a member of the indigenous community, you must provide a signed letter of support from an indigenous community leader or organisation you are associated with, verifying your indigenous status.
Refugee scholarship:
If you are, or have previously been, the holder of one of the following Australian refugee and humanitarian visas:
Global Special Humanitarian (subclass 202)
Humanitarian Stay visa (subclass 449)
Protection visa (subclass 866)
Refugee visas (subclass 200, 201, 203 and 204)
Resolution of Status visa (subclass 851)
Safe Haven Enterprise visa (subclass 790)
Temporary Humanitarian Concern visa (subclass 786)
Temporary Protection visa (subclass 785)
You must provide a copy of one of these:
a copy of your Australian entry visa showing refugee status
a copy of your Red Cross or United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) registration if you arrived in Australia on a non-refugee visa
a copy of your Global Special Humanitarian visa (subclass 202).
Note: Providing an Immi Card or visa grant letter with no other documents is not enough for assessment. We must be able to identify your date of entry into Australia.
Health/Mental Health Scholarship:
You must provide a letter from your medical practitioner outlining your situation, how it has impacted you in the past, any things we will need to do to support your good health while training, and stating that you are now fit for full-time study.
Applications that do not follow these guidelines for additional evidence will not be considered.
Scholarship benefits and responsibilities
Your scholarship is a full tuition scholarship, which means you will not have to pay anything towards your fees.
You will still need to provide for your general living expenses and other personal expenses.
You may be eligible for Centrelink payments, such as Austudy, Abstudy, or Youth Allowance while you are studying, so do contact them if you need extra financial support.
The scholarship cannot be exchanged for cash.
Note that you will need a device to access your student platform and complete assignments, and access to the internet from time to time. If this expense is an issue for you, please contact us.
Scholarship students are expected to:
Uphold the good name of Perform Australia in word and behaviour
Participate in the community life of Perform Australia, for example, assisting as an usher at theatre productions, helping with promotions, and helping in other community activities
Attend all required classes and performances and complete all assessments associated with the course.
Scholarships may be cancelled at any time if:
You do something which brings Perform Australia into public disrepute
You do not keep up with course requirements, such as completing assessments on time, learning lines on time, or you stop attending classes (or you attend classes infrequently), and you do not respond to our requests for correction
Evidence is brought to our attention that you were not eligible for the scholarship, and falsified your application in some way
You are not able to continue in the program, whether due to personal choice or other issues arising during the course of your study.
Scholarships cannot be taken in another semester.
Who provides the scholarships?
Scholarships are provided to Perform Australia by the Society for Sacred Mission, who seek to use their funds to support those who are disadvantaged into opportunities that will enhance their lives. They have identified us as an organisation doing good work in the community and they would like to support students to access our programs.
How scholarships are decided
Scholarships are decided in discussion with the executive team at Perform Australia. This team may include the Chief Executive Officer, the Director of Artistic Development, and the VET Compliance Manager.
These scholarships are designed to assist promising actors to study acting and follow the career of their choice. Perform Australia will therefore seek to support the best candidates into the course. Where a candidate has presented an outstanding audition, meets one or more of the scholarship criteria, and has completed a scholarship application, we may choose to offer that candidate a scholarship ahead of the final closing date for applications. This may especially be the case where the applicant has to move cities or make other preparations for study, and needs maximum time to do so. For this reason, applicants are advised to submit their scholarship forms as soon as possible, as some scholarships may be awarded before the due date. The due date is only the final date for applications, but applicants can apply at any time of the year.
If there are no candidates worthy of a scholarship, Perform Australia will not award a scholarship. Perform Australia also reserves the right to award only one or two scholarships, if there are not three worthy applications.
When will I find out about the scholarship?
You must apply for the scholarship no later than 11:59pm, November 23, 2024. Scholarships will be announced on or before November 29, 2024.
Late applications will only be considered if there are scholarships still available after November 29.
If you have any other questions, please contact Perform Australia’s CEO, Elizabeth Scott, on 1300 908 905 or
Ready to apply?
Get your documents together. When you are ready to lodge your application, please click through on this link.