What you need to know
Perform Australia stores information for different types of students
Perform Australia runs leisure programs (non-accredited programs) and qualifications (accredited programs), as well as programs for children.
General records about students are required for leisure and children's programs (personal contact details, payments, and health records etc). Accredited programs require us to collect more detailed information, under legislation, such as marks from assignments and statistical information, as well as personal data required for enrolment and payments. No matter which program you enrol in, we take your privacy seriously. This policy outlines in general terms what we will do to keep your data safe.
National Privacy Principles
Information related to personal details of any personnel, member or student of Perform Australia is protected under the Privacy Act 1988. Perform Australia is committed to adhering to the National Privacy Principles (NPPs) contained in the Act. The NPP’s are principles or rules about collecting, using and disclosing personal information.
The NPPs also cover keeping information secure, paying attention to data quality and accuracy, being open about collection and information handling practices, providing anonymity where possible and protection when transferring personal information to others. The way we handle and store information on students and employees is a major compliance requirement of ASQA. To that end we will make every endeavour to ensure that the principle for security is incorporated into our data collection and storage procedures.
The NPP #4 is concerned with security and is about looking after the personal information we collect. The main obligation of this principle is to keep personal information safe when it is in use and to dispose of it securely when you are finished with it.
Perform Australia will:
Have secure computer passwords and lockable filing cabinets;
Check an individual’s identity when they ask for access to the personal information we hold about them by requesting information that only the individual would be aware of
Keep personal information away from those who do not need to see it - personnel as well as customers;
Destroy information securely;
Raise security awareness with all personnel; and
Review procedures from time to time.
Information regarding students, student results or other personal information may not be released to any third party without the express verbal or written permission from the student. This includes parents of the student where the student is over 18.
Since Perform Australia is a registered training organisation (RTO), it must retain records of student marks and assessment outcomes for a legislated period of time. Students and personnel may access their formal training and assessment records and enrolment files held by Perform Australia by making a request in writing to the management.
All information regarding personnel employed by Perform Australia generally is considered private and personal and must be treated as such. This includes but is not limited to:
Commercial in confidence information such as information related to systems, resources, clients and procedures for any services provided by Perform Australia;
PAYE records or details of payments for services rendered by any employee or contractor or organisation; and
Any details contained in personnel files including private contact details.
Records Management Procedures
All staff employed by the RTO will be required to apply themselves to the following written procedures and safeguard confidential and personal information according to the Privacy and Protection of Personal Information Act 1998.
Storage of Student Data
Perform Australia staff will record all student fee payments and details of refunds paid.
Upon enrolment each student’s personal details shall be entered into the relevant student platform or cloud-based storage. Only the staff directly involved with student welfare and or student results will have access to personal student details.
Student personal details and records shall be maintained in a current up to date condition; updating of records will be actioned following advice of changes to details from a student or their parent or guardian (for under-18s).
Access to student records may be provided where the relevant Standards for Registered Training Organisations or an officer of the law require the RTO to do so. This includes end-year reporting of results to the government (e.g. AVETMISS reporting to the VET regulator).
In addition to enrolment/AVETMISS data, the following documents will also be kept on accredited students:
copies of students’ completed assessments for a minimum of six months from the date on which the judgement of competence was made or a qualification was awarded. The actual piece(s) of work completed by a student or evidence of that work, including evidence collected for an RPL process count as ‘completed assessments’. An assessor’s completed marking guide, criteria, and observation checklist for each student may be sufficient where it is not possible to retain the student’s actual work (e.g. where a live performance has taken place). However, the retained evidence must have enough detail to demonstrate the assessor’s judgement of the student’s performance against the standard required.
the marking guide criteria/observation checklist
any workplace evidence for on-the-job training
attendance rolls that show the names of students, the unit/s of competency identifier and/or name,
recognition of prior learning assessment records.
complaints, appeals and the complaints resolution records
any other recordkeeping required under a government funded agreement or contract.
Cessation of services
On cessation of services to the student, or the discontinuation of its business, Perform Australia's CEO shall ensure that all VET student records are made available to its VET Regulator, and other records involving private information are dealt with according to legal requirements.