Train to become an actor with our 10915NAT Certificate IV in Acting
Next intake:
Next application deadline:
APPLICATIONS CLOSING - late applications being accepted, please apply ASAP to start next year!
Course locations:
Canberra, Brisbane
Acting course for professional acting in film, television and theatre
Study options:
Full-time and part-time
Yes. Nationally recognised qualification under the Australian vocational education system​
Student Benefits
Austudy/Abstudy/Youth Allowance approved. Contact Services Australia for more information on goverment benefits.
Scholarship information
Found here.
Your first steps towards an acting career
Cutting-edge actor training is yours in the 10915NAT Certificate IV in Acting. In this acting course, you'll study nine units, covering acting for stage and screen, to prepare you to work in film, television and theatre.
Our Certificate program is industry oriented, meaning it is taught by industry professionals - actors, directors, producers and so on - and will make clear to you what is expected when working professionally in arts and entertainment.
Some of the content covered includes:
Acting techniques from acting practitioners, such as Stanislavski, Meisner, Spolin, Bogart, and many others
Acting for the camera
Acting for the stage
Audition skills
Vocal development
History of acting
and much more!
What students say
Where have your graduates found work?Perform Australia graduates have found work in: Theatre, as actors and improvisers Theatre, as backstage workers Theatre, as administrators, ushers and box office assistants Film, as actors Film, as crew Television, as actors Television, as crew and behind-the-scenes Children's entertainment Hospital entertainment, e.g. as Clown Doctors and Captain Starlight performers for sick kids Podcasting and radio Voiceover artistry Teaching drama Tour guide work and presenting work in museums Self-employment The Public Service.
What kind of performances will I be involved in during the course?Performances are associated with a number of different units in our acting course. Live performances: In some units, your performance may consist of scene work or a monologue that is presented to an audience of family, friends and classmates. These are often assessments that occur part-way through a unit to assess your progress. However, if you complete NAT10915008 Perform in a theatrical project, you will have a much bigger performance at a theatrical venue, and you will experience the full rehearsal process and be expected to conduct yourself in that context as you would as a professional actor. Screen performances: If you complete screen units within the course, you can expect to participate in scene work which is filmed during your training. If you complete the unit NAT10915010 Perform in a screen project, you will likely be performing in a larger project, a short film directed by your tutor.
How much work is required outside of class time?It depends whether you are a part-time or full-time student. For full-time students, we say, allow 10 extra hours outside of class per week. You may not need 10 hours every week - but consider the tasks you need to do: Reading scripts Learning lines Preparing homework for the next class Occasional research tasks, to find out more about a character you're playing, or to follow up on something your teacher has suggested Online learning - two units in the course are online, consisting of videos and quizzes; you will need to set aside time each week to do these Written tasks - there are not many in the course, but there are a couple, so depending on how long it takes you to write work generally, you may need to allow extra time Rehearsing with a scene partner outside of class, if your scene needs more work to be ready for performance. Part-time students need to also factor in time outside of class. Often part-time students are working or studying elsewhere, so you need to be sure you can fit your preparation in around your other life commitments. Part-time students taking two or more subjects at a time need to be sure they will be able to complete the requirements of both subjects, which includes showing up to class and preparation for those classes.
Will I get a job if I do this acting course?An actor mostly gets work via auditions - so in order to get work, you have to be out there auditioning! In this course we prepare you with the skills of the actor - from analysing scripts, to confidence in front of the camera, to vocal development, and more. We also teach you how to prepare for auditions. Then it's up to you to source auditions and start applying (and we teach you how to do that, as well)! There are also many skills you acquire in this course that are transferrable to a whole range of other jobs, including creative thinking skills, communication skills, presentation skills, team work skills, and many others. As in the previous question, our graduates have found work in many other places besides stage and screen. So while we can't promise you a job - you will have to go out and apply yourself - we give you industry skills.
How much does the course cost?There is a non-refundable $50 course application fee when you submit your audition. The total course cost is $8,995. These fees go towards: All your tuition, by your wonderful teachers - industry professionals who want to see you succeed Access to resources - your online student platform subscription, online units, worksheets and booklets Facilities and equipment - studios and all that is in them Editing of your screen work and showreels Theatrical productions - costumes, theatre hire, performance rights, technical assistance and everything else that is involved in creating a production Your graduation package - qualification, access to casting database and more. If you have any questions, please contact our office.
What financial assistance is available?Scholarships: From time to time we have scholarships available. Government benefits for students: The 10915NAT Certificate IV in Acting is eligible for Austudy, Abstudy and Youth Allowance. Please contact Services Australia for more. Student loans: Perform Australia has an arrangement with Total Lifestyle Credit (TLC) for students who wish to access student loans. You can study this course from as little as $65 per week through a payment plan with Total Lifestyle Credit. Payment plans from $2,001 through to the full course fee of $8,995 No stress – the whole process is managed privately by TLC Consultants Flexible options – any additional repayments can be added back on to the payment plan at no extra charge Fast efficient approvals, simply apply online To apply: https://app.tlc.com.au/apply?partner_id=4370&type=lifestyle Terms & Conditions: Speak to TLC direct for a quote based on your personal circumstances and for the full terms and conditions - phone 1300 045 047 A full credit and financial assessment would need to be completed prior to acceptance of any offer or product. Total Lifestyle Credit Pty Ltd - Authorised under Australian Credit Licence 509691
Karli, Canberra
"This is the best thing I have done in a long time. It has been everything I hoped for. Highly recommend.
Tessa, Canberra
I'm really happy with the quality of teaching and I recommend it to anyone who is looking for a career in performance.
Ben, Brisbane
I have learnt so much from doing courses through Perform, it has been such a great experience learning so many different techniques and being surrounded with like minded people.
Ready to apply?
1. Download the audition pack at the top of this page.
2. Follow the instructions to create your audition video. We are now accepting late applications to start 2025. PLEASE SUBMIT YOUR VIDEO AS SOON AS POSSIBLE!
3. Send your video to us, according to the instructions in the audition pack.
4. Complete your application form at this link.
5. We will contact you after reviewing your video, to arrange an interview.